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Solidarity with Greece

By 2012-03-05

Two Italian mayors bring their support to Greece

As a sign of solidarity and in support of the Greek people, two Italian mayors have donated a month’s salary to the Hellenic Red Cross.

Giovanni Moscatiello, mayor of Baronissi, and Marco Galdi, mayor of Cava de' Tirreni, are the founders of this initiative, dubbed Magna Graecia, "of solidarity with a country whose history is of inestimable value."

This gesture goes beyond the idea of supporting Greek heritage as there is also a fear of a domino effect.  "The Greek crisis is being observed with great concern, not only because of the strong bond that exists between Italy and Greece, but also due to the possible economic contamination that could infect our country and all of Europe," explains Moscatiello.

Magna Graecia is indeed a European act as “we are part of a single continent: In helping others, we help ourselves,” declared the mayor of Baronissi.  "We must say no to a Europe without Greece and to EU policy with no prospect of development."

This symbolic act also comes shortly after the Eurogroup agreed on a second aid package for Greece.
