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Empowering Local and Regional Governments in global cooperation

Launched by CEMR in 2008, PLATFORMA is the pan-European coalition of towns and regions – and their national, EU and global associations – active in city-to-city and region-to-region development cooperation. A hub of expertise on European Local and Regional Governments’ international action, PLATFORMA is boosting local contribution to EU development cooperation policies and international frameworks.
PLATFORMA’s mission is to shape EU development policy and international agendas. Together with our partners, we defend the role of towns and regions in EU development policies and international fora.
We raise awareness, promote international cooperation between cities and regions across the world and boost capacity-building with our peers.
We provide a forum for collective intelligence, facilitating knowledge exchange, peer learning and experimentation of innovative approaches between towns and regions and their associations.

SDG Success Depends on Local and Regional Government Action

Successful effective SDG policies call for a decentralised, bottom-up, territorial approach as analyses have shown that 65% of the 169 targets underpinning the 17 SDGs simply cannot be achieved without the involvement of Local and Regional Governments.