Role of Local and Regional Governments
Cohesion matters. Wherever people live in Europe, they should have a decent quality of life, access to quality and affordable public services, as well as cultural, educational and job opportunities. Towns, municipalities, cities, counties, and regions are all responsible for the quality of life of their inhabitants, because they have a strategic position to address territorial development in an integrated way: looking at all dimensions of sustainability and social justice.
Foster territorial cohesion and enhance systemic approaches that can break urban-rural silos
The Impact Community Cohesion
Local leaders are crucial in driving cohesion in their communities, interacting daily with civil society organisations, businesses, and institutions. We understand that fostering territorial cohesion involves breaking down silos and encouraging meaningful interactions among diverse actors. Our Cohesion Community serves as a platform for dialogue and collaboration, mobilising political leadership and deepening engagement with aligned organisations and institutions.