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CEMR General Assembly: summary of all the plenaries, sessions and roundtables available here

The Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) organised its 25th General Assembly from 26 to 28 September 2012 in Cadiz, Spain.  A number of sessions, plenaries and roundtables were organised for the 700 participating local and regional elected representatives and experts from more than 40 countries.  

Below are the articles written for each of these, putting forward some of the main messages and conclusions expressed at each occasion.

Wednesday 26 September

CEMR Policy Committee meeting wrap-up (EN/FR)

Opening session: Municipalities and regions are essential for meeting needs of citizens – 25th General Assembly opens with address by Prince of Asturias (EN/FR)

First plenary session on innovating in the 3Ds: Local and regional elected representatives define innovation (EN/FR)

Thursday 27 September

Special address by world-renown economist Noreena Hertz: How to make good decisions in a complex world? (EN/FR)

Special address by Viviane Reding, vice-president of the European Commission for justice, fundamental rights and citizenship: Vice-president talks of return to grassroots at CEMR General Assembly (EN/FR)

Session A1 on crisis exit strategies: Crisis and recovery strategies at heart of debates in Cadiz (EN/FR)

Session B1 on the state of decentralisation in the world: Decentralisation is a means and not an end (EN/FR)

Leaders’ roundtables on serving the public, reshaping and modernising public services for efficiency, quality and sustainability: Serving the public can be achieved by bettering means of communication (EN/FR)

Session A2 on dialogue and solidarity across the generations: The young and elderly must be considered in short and long term policies (EN/FR)

Session B2 on innovation in cooperation, a perspective from Latin America and Europe: Local and regional authorities make their voices heard at the European level (EN/FR)

Leaders’ roundtables on sustainable development – new models for a more resource-efficient society: We cannot forget about environmental concerns despite crisis (EN/FR)

Session A3 on innovating for better growth: Creating a more favourable climate for innovation and growth (EN/FR)

Session B3 on democracy and gender equality: We have to remain vigilant if we are to avoid the crisis taking us two steps back (EN/FR)

Friday 28 September

Session A4 on the integration of migrants for a strengthened European solidarity: More national resources needed for local migrant integration policies (EN/FR)

Session B4 on building Europe through partnership: The need to build European identity in times of crisis (EN/FR)

Final plenary session on decentralisation, democracy, development – which way forward for Europe and new perspectives through the 3Ds (EN/FR)

Cádiz declaration for decentralisation, democracy and development (EN/FR)

To access the photos of the three-day Congress, click here.
