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CEMR General Assembly: programme now available in seven more languages!

The draft programme of the General Assembly of European Municipalities and Regions, to take place in Cadiz, Spain, from 26 to 28 September 2012, is now available in Bulgarian, Georgian, German, Greek, Polish, Romanian and Serbian.

The programme includes information on every session (leaders’ roundtables, workshops, plenary or parallel sessions), the themes of each debate, as well as the name and details of each speaker.  A variety of session formats are planned, from plenary and parallel sessions to more intimate and interactive leaders’ roundtables.

A number of themes of primary interest to municipalities, provinces and regions will be discussed, including crisis exit strategies, the modernisation of public services, original and cost-effective twinning-related experiences, the integration of migrants, equality, as well as social, economic and territorial cohesion.

The General Assembly is organised by CEMR in partnership with its Spanish member association, the FEMP and hosted by the City of Cadiz with support from the Province of Cadiz.
