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Conference on local energy action (Brussels, 20-21 Oct. 2004)

Managenergy, the support programme of the DG for Energy and Transport, will organise the fourth "Optimising local action to drive sustainable energy and transport in the Europe of 25" conference in Brussels, on 20 and 21 October 2004.
The director of DG Enlargement, Matthias Ruete, the director of DG Environment, Jos Delbeke and the director of DG Regional policy of the European commission, Jean-Charles Leygues, will open the conference.
This year's debates will focus mainly on the issues and the needs confronting local actors in the New Member states with local energy action. Municipal action in energy and transport will hold a particular focus. The conference will also allow exchanges of experiences, good practices between different local authorities.
The debates will be broadcast live on the Internet in several languages. Chat rooms will be open for the occasion.
The conference will take place in the Charlemagne building.

For further information and registration to the conference, see the Managenergy website.
