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CEMR General Assembly : “Local and regional authorities make their voices heard at the European level”

The session “Innovation in cooperation, a perspective from Latin America and Europe” notably aimed at bringing together the points of views of European and Latin American elected representatives on the valorisation of the role of local and regional authorities in European and international agendas.  The session took place on 27 September 2012 in Cadiz at the occasion of the General Assembly of European Municipalities and Regions.

Participants notably stressed the importance of the European platform of local and regional authorities for development (PLATFORMA) in this process.  Pierre Schapira, deputy mayor of Paris, explained in this regard that “the European Union had expressed its wish to see European municipalities and regions coordinate their voice vis-à-vis the European institutions.  And now today, they have a trusted interlocutor with whom to exchange on development cooperation.

Session participants included Sara Ribero, vice-mayor of Montevideo (Uruguay), and Félix Rodríguez, mayor of San Francisco de Macoris (Dominican Republic), and co-president of the Federation of Cities, Municipalities and Local Government Associations (FLACMA).

This session was organised in cooperation with PLATFORMA, the voice of Local and Regional authorities for development.
