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4th European conference cities for human rights (Nuremberg, 9/10 December)

The network of European cities for human rights will be holding its 4th conference, in Nuremberg on 9/10 December 2004.
Speakers will include the 2003 Peace Nobel Prize winner Shirin Ebadi, EU Enlargement Commissioner Günter Verheugen and mayor of Nuremberg, Ulrich Maly.
Representatives of municipalities from all over Europe will discuss the concrete steps to take to implement the European charter cities for human rights.
The Nuremberg conference will also include five workshops on various aspects of human rights at the local level. Simultaneous translation (German, English, French) will be provided, attendance to the conference is free.
The European cities for human rights network was created in Barcelona in 1998. It aims at helping municipalities findiways to strengthen peace and democracy in the world. Over 200 municipalities from 21 European countries have joined the network.
