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European Commission’s report on partnership in outermost regions

The European Commission has published, on 30 August 2004, a report following the strategy on 'Stronger partnership for the outermost regions".
The report assesses the results of measures taken in favour of ultraperipherical regions since its last report on this issue, in 2000. The new report analyses the socio-economical development of these regions (achievements and challenges), the influence of structural factors and the various EU policies of these last years. It also lists the goals to reach in the next years.
The report is available in several languages on the European Commission website.
Note : There are seven ultraperipherical regions in the EU : the Canaries Island (Spain), the four French overseas 'departments" (Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique, Réunion) and the Portuguese autonomous provinces of Açores and Madeira
