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The role of local and regional government in social inclusion” – First annual meeting of the European Public Social Platform – Turin, 14/15 October 2003

The European Public Social Platform is organising its first annual general meeting in Turin, Lingotto Centre, on 14 and 15 October 2003.
For the first time, representatives of European institutions and of local, regional and national governments from all over Europe will meet to share information on social inclusion.

The meeting will comprise three sessions focusing on the contribution of local and regional government in combating social exclusion, and the role of the platform in the EU strategy for social inclusion.

It will culminate in a debate on various aspects of the National Action Plans on Social Inclusion such as better governance, the financing and future perspectives.
The full programme is available on request.

Speakers will include :
· Sergio Chiamparino, Mayor of Turin
· John Halloran, Secretary, European Public Social Platform
· Tatiana Esposito, Ministry of Work and social policy, Italy
· Luca Pirozzi, European Commission, DG Employment and Social Affairs
· Mathias Schulze-Böing, Chair CEMR Employment and Social Policy working group
· Stig-Erik Westmark, Chair Assembly of European Regions' Health and Welfare committee
· Richard Leese, Leader of Manchester City Council
· Daniela Kuck-Schneemelcher, Ministry of Health and Social security, Germany

The meeting will be followed by the second EU Round Table on poverty and social exclusion: 'the role of the family in promoting social inclusion" (16-17 October 2003).

Note on European Public Social Platform
Founded : April 2002
Nature : Network of local government
Members : Council of European Municipalities and Regions, the Assembly of European Regions, the European Social Network, Eurocities, and Quartiers en Crise (European Regeneration Areas Network)
Aims :
· To promote the role and contribution of the local and regional public sector to the definition and implementation of EU social policy.
· To work with European institutions and European networks to ensure social policy proposals reflect the concerns of local and regional authorities
