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Equal opportunities

Gender equality in European towns : the project is up and running !

The first ever meeting of the 'Equality in European towns" project has taken place on 11, 12 and 13 December 2003 at CEMR seat in Brussels.
The project is in the framework of the 5th community action programme for equality between women and men. It is a CEMR initiative, funded by the EU Commission. It is chaired by the president of CEMR committee of women elected representatives of local and regional authorities, Mayor of Bonrepós I Mirambell (Spain), Vicenta Bosch Palanca.
It consists of fifteen partners, municipalities and national associations of local and regional authorities (list below), including several countries from Central and Eastern Europe.
Its aim is to gather, and then disseminate, tested practices to improve gender equality in the towns of Europe.
Over fifty local representatives from all over Europe attended the first meeting including the chair of European Parliament's committee on women's rights and equal opportunities, Anna Karamanou, representative of DG Employment and Social affairs, Maarina Paraskeva, and CEMR secretary general, Jeremy Smith.
Participants discussed the budget of the project and the implications for each partners, the objectives, the content and the methodology of the project, the results of the research already carried out on women in local life, and the experience of towns having already implemented policies for gender equality.
Full list of partners
Frau Sabine HOLLAND-LETZ Referentin für Frauen- und Gleichstellungsangelegenheiten, Deutscher Städtetag
Frau Simone HUCKERT Referendarin, Deutscher Städtetag
Herr Werner SCHNEIDER Referent für gender mainstreaming, Stadt Frankfurt am Main – Frauenreferat
Frau Gabriele WENNER Stadt Frankfurt am Main – Frauenreferat
Mme Thérèse RENIER Secrétaire Fédérale de l'Union des Villes et Communes Belges
Mme Elosia ARES MARTINEZ Technicienne / égalité, ville de Carthagène
Mme Isabel Catalina BELMONTE UREéA Conseillère Municipale de Carthagène
Mme Vicenta BOSCH PALANCA Présidente de la Commission des élues locales et régionales du CCRE
Maire de Bonrepos i Mirambell
Présidente de la Commission de la Femme de la FEMP
MADARIAGA ABERASTURI Maire de Gautegiz Arteaga
Mme Antonina MIELGO Membre de la Commission de la Femme de la FEMP
Mme Encarnacíon OCAéA PEREZ Conseillère Municipale de Pezuela de las Torres
Membre de la Commission de la Femme de la FEMP
Mme Maria José ROCA GUTIERREZ Conseillère Municipale de Carthagène déléguée à la participation des citoyens
Mme Mar ZABALA MARDARAS Directrice Général d'EUDEL
Ms Külliki SEIRE Adviser of the Mayor of Paide, representing the Association of Estonian Cities
Ms Eeva HONKANUMMI Vice Chair of the City Board of Espoo, Member of the City Council, Chair of the Equality Committee
Ms Irene YLENIUS Secretary for International Affairs, Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities
Mme Annie HOARAU Responsable du Service Action Familiale et Droits des Femmes, ville de Marseille (F)
Mme Monique LEMOINE Conseillère Municipale de St Jean de la Ruelle
Mme Sabine MARTORELL Chargée de Mission à l'AFCCRE
Ms Valia ATHANASSOPOULOU Committee for equal opportunities' Officer, KEDKE
Ms Erzsébet UDVARDI Mayor of Kisbér
Ms Zsuzsa SOMOGYI Employee of Kisbér municipality
Mme Maria Teresa COPPO GAVAZZI Membre de la Commission des élues locales et régionales du CCRE
Elue dans la 3e circonscription de l'aire métropolitaine de Milan
Présidente de la Fédération régionale lombarde de l'AICCRE
Vice-Présidente de la Commission des élues de l'AICCRE
Mme Patrizia DINI Secrétaire de la Fédération Toscane de l'AICCRE
Mme Anna PODESTé Déléguée du Maire aux relations internationales, ville de Parme
Ms Elita KRESSE Head of the Secretariat, coordinator of the project "Gender main-streaming development and implementation in the municipalities in Latvia", Union of Local and Regional Governments of Latvia
Conseillère Communale d'Hespérange
Mme Lina ANDREZ Elue dans l'arrondissement de Montelavar, commune de Sintra
Ms Elmire AF GEIJERSTAM Head of Brussels office, Swedish Association of Local Authorities / Federation of Swedish County Councils
