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Tribune | Réponse au COVID-19: des solutions locales pour une pandémie globaleCette tribune signée par la directrice de PLATFORMA Marlène Siméon a d'abord été publiée en anglais dans Euractiv. Elle sera bientôt traduite en français.

rnEn tant que pandémie, le COVID-19 est un problème véritablement mondial qui ne connaît pas de frontières. La situation est maintenant répandue presque partout dans le monde et certains pays – proches et lointains – pourraient bientôt être fortement touchés, malgré la jeunesse de leur population.

rnÀ ce titre, l’Union européenne a récemment présenté sa « réponse mondiale » au coronavirus, qui mobilise 20 milliards d’euros pour soutenir des pays partenaires en Afrique, en Asie, en Amérique latine et dans les voisinages est et sud de l’Europe pour lutter contre la pandémie.

rnWhile the pandemic is global, wherever it spreads, towns and regions are at the forefront of the COVID-19 crisis: they are the ones managing lockdowns every single day.

rnThey are the ones coordinating health services. They are the ones ensuring waste collection. They are the ones finding solutions for daily needs of citizens: offering access to online public services, culture or education to name a few.

rnAs such, it is crucial that local and regional governments collaborate and learn from each other, especially through town-to-town and region-to-region development cooperation, also named decentralised cooperation. It will help find quicker and better solutions.

rnThis is what PLATFORMA, the pan-European coalition of towns and regions acting at the global level, is asking with 11 recommendations addressed to the EU: towns, regions and their representative associations, both in partner countries and in the EU, need to be on board of the #TeamEurope, in order to ensure a genuinely global and coordinated approach!

rnThere is no doubt: this global challenge calls for solidarity to leave no one and no place behind. For that, international collaboration is essential, and learning from each other’s’ approach is crucial: municipalities that were struck first or already went through such situation can share their experience in dealing with the crisis.

rnNetworks and national associations of towns and regions play a key role in that: they are collecting and disseminating best practices, organising webinars to share expertise and advice they are coordinating the responses with the national governments and regional institutions…

rnFor us, the EU must devote part of its support to the institutional strengthening of local governments and their associations in partner countries.

rnWhy? To make sure municipalities are empowered to provide their citizens with the appropriate answers, within their own local governance system. EU budget support at local level, twinning and technical assistance will be crucial in the next Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) to help find more locally-led solutions.

rnDecentralised cooperation between EU and partner countries’ municipalities and regions must also be supported for mutual learning, assessing needs and building the institutional resilience for the recovery. Because municipalities, cities, regions and their associations do not only react at home: they work closely with their peers on a daily basis!

rnMoreover, policy coherence for development will be crucial to ensure that measures taken in Europe do not have a negative impact on partner countries’ social structures and economies.

rnThis is why reinforcing the institutional capacity and the governance at all levels to address the crisis is of paramount importance to have a coordinated and inclusive global response, at different levels, and at the different stages: during the “emergency phase” and the “recovering phase”.

rnTherefore, at PLATFORMA, we believe that the 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) must be the leading reference for any action developed all along the process. It is more than welcomed that the focus on the green deal, poverty reduction and the fight against inequalities, gender equality, climate change and SDGS will not be put aside by the EU.

rnLocal and regional governments will also have a key role to play in raising awareness of their inhabitants in the aftermath to avoid a withdrawal into themselves of European territories. Openness, solidarity and peer learning should remain the core value of any sustainable territorial development.

rnThere is no doubt: this pandemic will not be contained if it isn’t contained equally in all the regions of the world. Let’s work together. Let’s work with towns and regions. #TeamEurope