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Conference on Innovating Europe (Stuttgart, 5-7 December)

The DG Enterprise of the European Commission and the Stuttgart region will organise the 4th European forum for 'Innovating Europe: key challenges for policy and business" from 5 to 7 December 2004 in Stuttgart. (Germany)
In order to enable a more competitive and innovating Europe, high-level European policy makers, researchers and practitioners will present and debate on topics such as financing innovation, boosting innovation clusters or sourcing new entrepreneurial activities.
Two European regions will be presented for their creativity in policy and business: Stuttgart and Karlsruhe. Monday the 6th December, during a gala dinner, these European regions will receive awards for their exceptional European spirit in sharing and transferring experiences as well as their achievements in the field of innovation.
The 4th forum for innovative enterprises will also propose a large exhibition and a networking area.
The languages of the conference are English, French and German. Simultaneous translation will be provided in these three languages.
For further information about the conference, click here.
