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PLATFORMA lance une publication sur l’efficacité du développement aux niveaux local et régional Quelles opportunités existe-t-il afin d’améliorer les synergies entre les actions menées en…
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PLATFORMA lance une enquête en ligne (date limite repoussée : 26 novembre) Comment l’Union européenne peut-elle renforcer les capacités des associations d’autorités locales et régionales…
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PLATFORMA calls for clarification of multi-actor approach in EU development cooperation PLATFORMA* calls on the European Commission to clarify its approach to multi-actor partnerships and…
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PLATFORMA calls for clarification of multi-actor approach in EU development cooperation PLATFORMA* calls on the European Commission to clarify its approach to multi-actor partnerships and…
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PLATFORMA welcomes the evaluation of European support to decentralisation processes PLATFORMA* welcomes the first review of the European Commission programmes for aid delivery in support…
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PLATFORMA welcomes the evaluation of European support to decentralisation processes PLATFORMA* welcomes the first review of the European Commission programmes for aid delivery in support…
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