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CEMR General Assembly: debate to be held on intergenerational dialogue-related policies

During its 25th General Assembly, which is to take place in Cadiz, Spain between 26 and 28 September 2012, the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) is organising a session to discuss the main challenges linked to demographic change.

This session, entitled “Dialogue and solidarity across the generations” will be held on Thursday 27 September between 14:30 and 16:15. Divided up into two panels, experts will share their views on two aspects of demographic change.

The first panel will notably tackle the question of how to integrate the young and elderly into the labour market and local community.  Moreover, the second panel will discuss what options the young and elderly have at their disposal to actively participate in local life and society.

Each panel will welcome an expert, an academic or civil society representative and an elected official, who will present and discuss exisiting technical case studies.  The session will be moderated by Maciej Kucharczyk, managing director of AGE Platform Europe.  Among the session’s panellists are Ralf Jacob, head of the Active Ageing, Pensions, Healthcare and Social Services Unit for the European Commission Directorate General for employment, social affairs and inclusion (DG EMPL), Dirk Van Grembergen from the Belgium youth organisation (Jong), and Louis Le Pensec, president of the AFCCRE and deputy-mayor of Mellac, France.

For a full list of speakers and further information on the session, please visit the General Assembly website’s "Programme" section.
