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Senior Competence final conference: Reinserting unemployed senior managers into the labour market

The "Senior Competence" final conference will be held on 20 and 21 November 2008 at the Paris City Hall and at the Palais Brongniart.
It will mark the completion of this European project and provide an opportunity to understand the issues related to employment and age diversity.
Thematic presentations and workshops will review two years of experimentation with the goal of proposing measures that could be implemented on a European level in order to help older managers return to employment.
Participants will include the Mayor of Stockholm, the Mayor of Frankfurt, the Deputy Mayor of Paris, representatives from the European Commission, as well as experts in the field of employment.
The European "Senior Competence" project was launched in November 2006 with the goal of experimenting, evaluating, modelling and disseminating innovative practices to help older managers return to work. It is built on a partnership among 3 European cities: Paris, Frankfurt and Stockholm. The Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) supports the project.
