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Macedonian municipalities receive free access to electronic administrative services

In December 2010, the Association of Units of Local Self-Governments of Macedonia (ZELS) launched its Unit for Support of e-Municipalities (ZEPE), providing free access to for administrative operations undertaken by local authorities.
Indeed, in an effort to better the services ZELS offers to its member municipalities, the ZEPE unit offers various software applications for the management of construction sites, for the e-registration of municipal land, for the monitoring of local energy efficiency and for budget planning. ZEPE also provides local government with introductory training courses and with services for the maintenance of the software provided.
The project principally aims at reducing municipal costs in the provision local e-services and at providing local authorities with high-quality and homogenous software applications.
ZELS has thus established a number of websites in the framework of the services offered by ZEPE such as, which provides a list of and access to the different software applications. Other websites include for the e-management of construction sites and for the monitoring of the energy efficiency of municipalities.
Local authorities of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and CEMR
The Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) has one member association in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: the Association of Units of Local Self-Governments of Macedonia (ZELS).
Founded in 1972, ZELS represents all 84 Macedonian (FYROM) municipalities as well as the capital City of Skopje, which has the status of a distinct unit of local self-government and is composed of ten municipalities.
ZELS, which is presided over by Koce Trajanovski, mayor of the City of Skopje, mainly aims at protecting and developing local self-government based on the principles of local democracy and decentralisation. It also works at promoting and organising cooperation between local authorities, at defining common positions on behalf of its members on issues of relevance to local government and at representing Macedonian (FYROM) municipalities vis-à-vis national, European and international organisations.
Local government in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is a unitary state composed of 84 municipalities (opstina) and the City of Skopje.
