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CEMR Presidency

The President, Co-Presidents, and Chair of the Financial Management Committee are elected by the Policy Committee for three-year terms. The President of CEMR provides political leadership to the association. The President chairs the meetings and represents the organisation.

Current Presidency

Previous Presidents

  • BONACCINI Stefano (2016-22)
  • SERNA HERNÁIZ Iñigo Joaquín  (2016)
  • JORRITSMA Annemarie (2013-15)
  • SCHUSTER Wolfgang (2010-13)
  • HÄUPL Michael (2005-10)
  • GISCARD d’ESTAING Valéry (1997-2004)
  • MARAGALL I MIRA Pasqual (1992-97)
  • HOFMANN Josef (1984-92)
  • CRAVATTE Henry (1959-84)
  • HAMILIUS Emile (1953-59)
  • COTTIER Fernand (1951-53)