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Research & development

By 2012-04-25

French regional innovation strategies as exemples of inspiration

The Inter-ministerial Delegation for Territorial Development and Regional Attractiveness (DATAR) has published a report on French regional innovation strategies undertaken as part of a European program which aims at strengthening the efficacy of investments in Europe.

Between 2007 and 2010, and in the framework of the 2007-2013 cohesion policy, each of the 26 French regions was asked to develop a regional innovation strategy to enhance the effectiveness of actions in the field of research and development, innovation and support to businesses.  Furthermore, these strategies had to fall within the scope of local, national and EU cohesion policy priorities.

The European Commission now encourages all regions to develop this type of strategy, whereby a region identifies its strengths and the fields in which they can demonstrate their added value. The report addresses a broad public, including administrations, businesses, researchers and citizens and aims at inspiring other regions all over Europe.
