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Seminar on ‘online health care” at local and regional level (Brussels, 29/03/06)

The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions is organising a seminar on "eHealth in the ageing European society" on 29 March in Brussels.
The seminar.wants to address the role of local and regional authorities in health care as life expectancy rises and birthrates remain low in Europe, and with limited public resources available. It will mainly focus on new ways to deal with capacity management through eHealth practices like online prescription, newsletter, booking, etc.
Attention will be paid to the evaluation and financing of the EU's eHealth program. Local and regional experiences will be presented in the fields of remote telematic solutions for diagnoses and the training of healthcare professionals and direct access for the patient to the medical record over the Internet.
Practical information
Opening of the seminar: 10:00
Closing of the seminar: 16:00
Venue: Rue de la Science 4, Brussels
Language : English
For information and registration contact Viveka Johanson
or call 0032 2 549 08 60.
