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Inforegio magazine

A look back at 20 years of EU cohesion policy

The European Commission has published a special issue dedicated to the twenty years of EU cohesion policy.
This issue of Panorama Magazine is exclusively dedicated to the first 20 years of EU cohesion policy. This European policy aims at balanced and sustainable development while fostering economic integration throughout the EU as a whole. Around one third of the EU's budget is devoted to this policy.
EU Commissioner for regional policy Danuta Hübner explains that the objective of economic and social cohesion was expressed in the Single European Act and became reality in 1988 with the adoption of the first regulation which gave birth to Cohesion Policy. The Treaties of Maastricht, Amsterdam and Nice reaffirmed the policy's importance and its scope was even broadened by the draft Lisbon Treaty by a new, territorial dimension.
This issue of Panorama Magazine is available on the Inforegio website in 22 languages.
