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European Cluster Policy: what’s in it for the Regions? (Errin conference)

The European Regions Research and Innovation Network (ERRIN) is organising a conference on the European cluster policy and its implication for European regions, at the Committee of the Regions, on 11 December 2008.
How local or regional are clusters, how European or global should they become?
  • How can successful clusters be engineered?
  • Can every region have a cluster of excellence?
  • How does EU cluster policy reflect issues of excellence vs. equity?
  • How can regions benefit from EU cluster policy and its pursuit of worldclass clusters?
  • Is there a role for bottom-up cluster development?
  • What do practitioners in the regions expect from this initiative?
This ERRIN event will bring together EU representatives, EU policy executives and international experts as well as innovation and cluster practitioners from ERRIN member regions to discuss these and other questions related to the EU's framework strategy on clusters.
It is the first of a series of ERRIN events supported by the European Commission under the umbrella of the "European Year of Creativity and Innovation".
