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We welcome evolution of partnership between EU and local & regional authorities in partner countries

The European platform of local and regional authorities for development cooperation (PLATFORMA) welcomes the qualitative evolution in the nature of partnerships between the European Union and local and regional authorities in partner countries.  This evolution is outlined in the European Commission’s new communication, released on 15 March 2013.

rnThe Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) and PLATFORMA are pleased that the Commission has recognised the potential of municipalities and regions in implementing public policies in response to the dual challenge of the eradication of poverty and of sustainable development.  The communication must however be applied transversally to the whole of European development policy.  PLATFORMA and its member associations will continue to monitor the way in which this new policy will be implemented on the field.

rnThe new communication presents several key messages advocated by PLATFORMA for a number of years, including decentralisation, the territorial approach to development, and decentralised cooperation.  The strengthening of local and regional capacities and the role of local and regional associations in partner countries are also among these key messages.

rnThe document’s release brings a year of work and brainstorming to an end.  PLATFORMA notably undertook a consultation which saw over 350 elected officials and experts on development cooperation participate.

PLATFORMA press release
