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UK and Irish local authorities agree European cooperation deal

UK and Irish local authorities have signed an agreement to work together on European issues.
Meeting in Belfast on Tuesday 9 December, UK and Irish members of the Committee of the Regions agreed a deal which will see the two arrange joint lobbying on areas of common interest. This will involve parallel approaches to national governments and Members of the European Parliament.
Eleven areas of European policy have been agreed as priorities for the joint work. The future of EU regional funding is one of the key areas of concern.
Asylum and immigration issues will be another focus for joint attention. Local authorities are responsible for many of the social services used by migrants and their families.
Other areas of cooperation include employment and social policy, sustainable development, European decision making structures, research, rural development, education and culture, transport policy, the internal market and external relations.
'Closer working with Irish local authorities can only benefit us. We have many common areas of interest. This will help us be heard even louder at a European level," said Local Government International Bureau Chair Ken Bodfish.
For more information, see LGIB web site :
