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Call for tender : Strengthening social dialogue in new member States and candidate countries

CEMR, in cooperation with EPSU (European Federation of Public Service Unions), is launching a call for tender for a study on Strengthening social dialogue in local and regional government in the new member States and candidate countries.
The purpose of the contract is to provide CEMR and EPSU with a study describing the key actors in local and regional government in new Member States and in candidate countries, and outlining the main issues facing the social partners.
The first stage (December 2004 – March 2005) will consist of information collection using mainly desk-based research on organisational details, existing social dialogue arrangements, key concerns…
The second stage (March – July 2005) will consist mainly of interviews with trade union and employers' representatives.
The evaluation will take place in October 2005 following the final conference.
For more information:
Rachel Buchanan
rue d'Arlon 22
1050 Bruxelles
