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A ‘Dialogue” to better inform European citizens on their rights

The European Commission launches a new 'Dialogue with citizens" portal. The website enables all EU citizens to have access to clear information on how they can exercise their rights in the EU Internal Market.
The website provides, among other things guidelines on 10 areas of EU law and over 1300 fact sheets with practical tips. It exists in the 20 EU official languages.
Also, advice and problem-solving services are available to answer citizens' questions by e-mail or by phone. 'If the site cannot help, users can speak to a real person, in their own language. This is proof of the Commission's will to help those who want to use the opportunities the EU gives them.", Frits Bolkenstein, Internal Market Commissioner, said.
Further information concerning new portal on European Commission website.
See the 'Dialogue with citizens" portal
