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CEMR and AICCRE support knowledge-sharing on sustainable sanitation

How to put sustainable water sanitation higher on the political agenda? How to close the gap between researchers, policy-makers, entrepreneurs and citizens in order to promote the uptake of innovative solutions? These are among the issues addressed in the EU-funded project BESSE of which the AICCRE, CEMR's Italian section  is a partner.

Speaking on behalf of the local and regional authorities at occasion of the project's the final workshop, held on 20 September 2012, CEMR's environment policy adviser, Marie Bullet, underlined the value of the project’s policy recommendations for local decision-makers. She also  stressed that “municipalities want to protect public health and offer a good-quality environment to their citizens, but at the same time local investments are under pressure as the economic and social crisis deepens”.

BESSE is a "knowledge-exchange" project funded by the European Commission. It provides policy recommendations to overcome obstacles to the introduction of innovation in the collection and treatment of waste water. The final report of the project includes recommendations for a more environmentally sustainable sanitation directed at European decision-makers.
