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CEMR Cohesion policy forum – Brussels, 23 February 2004

The forum has been postponed to February 2004
Exact venue available soon
CEMR's first policy forum on cohesion policy, entitled 'Cohesion policy: new perspectives for an enlarged Europe" will take place on 23 February in Brussels.
EU Commissioner for regional policy, Michel Barnier, will speak at the forum, alongside the chair of the European parliament's regional policy committee, Paolo Costa.
Other speakers include the chair of the French association of CCRE, Louis Le Pensec; a representative from the Irish presidency; the deputy chair of the European parliament's employment and social affairs committee, Marie-Hélène Gillig; Jean-Charles Leygues and Elisabeth Helander, directors at the DG Regional policy.
The specific aim of our Policy Forums is to bring together elected members from across Europe with a specific interest in the subject-matter, to debate key European policy issues, and to help in developing CEMR policy orientations. They are also open to officers, but the emphasis is on elected members.
