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CEMR and EPSU launch call for tender on future of workplace in local and regional authorities

The Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) and the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) have launched a call for tender in the framework of the.European project entitled “Future of the Workplace: providing quality jobs, modern and sustainable workplaces in local and regional government”.


The winning contractor will be expected to provide research and technical expertise on the anticipation of change and on the modernisation of local and regional government as a workplace for use in a total of six workshops and a final conference over the course of the next 13 months.  The deadline for submission of tenders is Thursday 15 December 2011 at 12:00 CET.
For more information on the call for tender, please click here.




CEMR in partnership with its European social partner, EPSU, have submitted a project within the framework of the European Social Dialogue in order to identify the challenges local and regional government administrations are faced with in the workplace.


The project's overarching theme is “the future of the workplace”, which is being discussed within local and regional government administrations in the context of current societal, environmental and economic challenges.


The project will run for a total of 13 months, starting from 1 December 2011, and is co-financed by the European Commission.
