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Join our Welsh association to debate how to deliver public services in times of crisisAs local government across the EU face unprecedented financial pressure, the Welsh Local Government Association European Office (WLGA Europe) invites you to a workshop on new approaches to delivering public services in regions across the EU.

rn“Rethinking public services across the EU, adapting to financial austerity” will take place on Tuesday 7 October in Brussels, during the European week of regions and cities 2014 (OPEN DAYS 2014). The event will gather specialists and practitioners to share ideas for new approaches to service delivery, with a special focus on alternative funding models, efficiency and transformational change and engaging with communities.

Practical information

rnThe workshop will be held on Tuesday 7 October from 14h00 to 17h00, at the Wales House in Brussels.  To register you can fill in the online form

rnTo get further information, please contact Lucy Sweet, European Policy and Communications Officer.