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A new tool to promote equality in health and social services: the Managing diversity website

Local and regional authorities eager to promote equality in the workplace have a new tool to help them : The 'Managing Diversity' website.
This site is available in four languages : English, French, German and Portuguese. It is the result of a two year trans national project (September 2002 – August 2004), funded by the European Union under the Anti-discrimination programme. It focuses on health and social services.
The site contains a tool kit with an organisation diversity check list and guidance on organising a focus group or setting up a mentoring scheme. It also provides a reference to anti-discrimination policy by country and links to other useful sites.
Background note : The project that ran for 2 years addressed three main issues :
  • Health and social care designed for the majority can discriminate against minorities by failing to ensure that their special needs are recognised, understood and appropriately addressed
  • Those who are the subject of discrimination are under-represented within the ranks of senior professional and managers in health and social care
  • Health & social care do not sufficiently coordinate their approaches to combating discrimination, creating further barriers for those using both services.
'Managing Diversity' focused on discrimination on the grounds of ethnicity, disability and age. The project brought together partners and other stakeholders from health and social care, from government and from non government organisations in Ireland, United Kingdom, Portugal and Sweden.
