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Council of Europe

Congress President’s congratulation to newly elected President of the CEMR"I warmly congratulate you on your unanimous election as President of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions", said president of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities (Council of Europe), Herwig van Staa, in a letter addressed to Annemarie Jorritsma on 19 December. He underlined the common priorities and goals shared by both organisations and stressed the Congress will pursue a close co-operation with CEMR. "We are both working to defend and advance local and regional democracy in Europe and to strengthen partnerships and political dialogue between national, regional and local authorities and their national associations. I have no doubt our organisations will continue this work under your mandate with a close and fruitful collaboration", he added. Mrs Jorritsma was elected President of the CEMR on December 2013 for a three-year term of office.