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Covenant of Mayors Ceremony: deadline for registration coming up (21 November 2011)

The deadline for registration to attend the Covenant of Mayors Ceremony on “restoring faith in Europe's future through local sustainable energy”, which will enable local and regional elected representatives to exchange with European leaders on energy and climate sustainability,.is fast approaching (21 November 2011).
The ceremony, which is to take place on 29 November 2011 in Brussels, Belgium, is to include a number of sessions, the first of which will discuss ways in which to tackle climate change and energy challenges together for a more smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.  This debate, which will take place at the Committee of the Regions from 10:30 to 12:00, will be all the more pertinent when considering the current social, economic and political crisis spreading across Europe.


Also to be discussed during the Covenant ceremony are investments in innovation and technology and the local contribution to EU energy targets thanks to European structural funds.
Finally, about 500 new municipalities will symbolically sign the Covenant of Mayors in the presence of European Parliament president, Jerzy Buzek, of European commissioner for energy, Günther Oettinger, and of commissioner for regional policy, Johannes Hahn.
The Covenant of Mayors Ceremony coincides with the international conference on climate change to be held in Durban, South Africa, starting 28 November 2011, and with the debate on the EU multiannual financial framework, which is to increase the climate-related share of the budget by at least 20%.
Practical information
Date: 29 November 2011.
Venue: European Parliament hemicycle, Altiero Spinelli building, Brussels, Belgium
Registration: To enquire about registration to the ceremony, please contact Axelle Griffon (axelle.griffon [at]
Languages: English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Spanish, Ukrainian and Russian.
