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Covenant of Mayors: local governments actively represented at the EU Sustainable Energy Week

In the context of the EU Sustainable Energy Week (18-22 June 2012), the Covenant of Mayors Office is co-organising two sessions open to local and regional stakeholders, elected representatives, energy agencies and individuals interested in energy efficiency and renewable energy at the local level.

June 20: Energy investment in cities and regions

This session will present examples of successful local initiatives.  High-level representatives of the European Commission and the Committee of the Regions will also present new policy directions in the fields of sustainable energy and regional development as well as EU investment instruments.

June 22: Meeting with the private sector to translate words into action

Two workshops will aim at identifying possible partnerships between Covenant signatories and the private sector in order to achieve the objectives of the Covenant of Mayors.  Indeed, despite the commitment of over 4 000 local governments and more than 100 regions to meet and exceed the goals set by the European Union in terms of CO2 emissions, this will not be feasible without the involvement of business and industry.

The Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) is an official Covenant of Mayors supporter and mobilises its many members to join the initiative and encourages municipalities and regions to engage in ambitious energy and climate policies. It is also one of five consortium members representing local and regional authorities who manage the Covenant of Mayors Office. In collaboration with Energy Cities, Climate Alliance, EUROCITIES and European Federation of Agencies and Regions for Energy and Environment (FEDARENE), CEMR provides daily technical, administrative and promotional assistance to Covenant signatories, supporters and coordinators.

Practical information:

Session: "Sustainable Energy Investments in Cities and Regions"
20 June 2012.
Venue: Rue de la Loi 170, building Charlemagne, room Gasperi.
Registration: Fill out and send the online registration form by 11 June 2012.
Langages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese

Session: Covenant signatories meet business to convert plans into actions
Date: 22 juin 2012.
Venue: European Economic and Social Committee, Rue Belliard 99, building Jacques Delors, room JDE62.
Registration: Fill out and send the online registration form by 11 June 2012.
Langages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian

