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Economic Recovery Observatory launched for local and regional levels

The Economic Recovery Observatory was launched on 18 February 2011, bringing together main stakeholders who monitor different aspects of the financial and economic crisis and economic the local and regional levels.
This proposal was put forward at the occasion of a coordination meeting organised by the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) in Paris. During this meeting, participants highlighted the potential aims of this observatory, which include: collecting data, tackling the main challenges associated with the crisis and recovery process, and identifying key experts on the ground. Also among its objectives are identifying and disseminating innovative practices and solutions which have led to successful recovery, and providing a platform of exchange on on-going and upcoming initiatives.
The potential of local and regional authorities in contributing to an exit from the crisis has not yet been fully harnessed by most member states and the European Union. Indeed, CEMR and stakeholders present at the meeting agreed that growth should be replaced by development and quantity by quality, as the EU's overarching priorities should not limit themselves to growth, competitiveness and the Single Market.
So far, observatory participants are to include the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI-OSI), the Council of Europe and its Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, Dexia Crédit Local, the European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion (ESPON), the European Social Network (ESN), Gallup Europe and Local Government Denmark (LGDK), a CEMR member association. CEMR is to act as coordinator of the observatory.
CEMR now calls upon any other relevant stakeholders and partners to join the Economic Recovery Observatory and its efforts in exiting the crisis and taking the road to recovery from a local and regional perspective.
For any comments, feedback or statement of interest to participate in the Economic Recovery Observatory, please fill-in the online form.
