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European Commission work programme 2013 adopted

The European Commission has published its new work programme for 2013.

The programme summarises the objectives for the European Union in seven key areas. It also explains how the Commission intent to tackle these objectives, in particular by taking forward key initiatives already on the table and by making new proposals.

The 7 key areas in the adopted work programme are:

  • improving stability, transparency and consumer protection in the financial sector, based on a blueprint for closer economic and monetary union;
  • boosting competitiveness through the single market and a coordinated industrial policy; cutting costs for businesses in areas like VAT and invoicing; and encouraging public-private partnerships in research;
  • connecting Europe by liberalising energy networks, boosting investment in broadband infrastructure, modernising transport and logistics;
  • support for the unemployed – improving public employment services and supporting social inclusion;
  • energy, resources & environment – through sustainable growth policies, meeting energy needs, responding to climate change, improving air quality and waste management;
  • building a safe and secure Europe – preventing fraud and misuse of EU funds through an EU-level public prosecutor, fighting firearm trafficking to reduce gun-crime, and improving the benefits of EU citizenship;
  • promoting European interests and values globally through new trade agreements, targeted cooperation with neighbouring countries, and furthering the EU’s role as the world's leading contributor to development aid.
In terms of new proposals, the Commission work programme announces around 50 new initiatives to be tabled during 2013 and the first part of 2014. Key legislative initiatives need to take into account the end of the current parliamentary legislature in 2014.
