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Public consultation on urban mobility: CEMR calls on local government to participate

The Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) calls on local authorities and their associations to participate in a public consultation led by the European Commission on the urban dimension of European transport policy. The consultation is open until 17 December 2012.

rnCEMR underlines the importance of this consultation as it allows, at an early stage in the legislative process, European municipalities to feed into the European Commission's reflections on urban mobility and areas where EU level action can complement actions at local level.

rnThe consultation will form the basis for concrete proposals next year setting out EU goals and priorities for sustainable urban mobility. It focuses on three main areas: urban logistics, access restriction schemes and sustainable urban mobility plans.

rnIn 2011, CEMR also addressed the issues associated with access restriction schemes and sustainable urban mobility plans in its position on the white paper on transport and a statement on access restriction schemes in cities.

rnFor more information, visit the European Commission's website: Clean transport, Urban – The urban dimension of European transport policy
