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NICHES final conference: Find solutions to transport related problems in your city (16 March 2007)

Is your city interested in finding solutions to transport related problems? Do you want to discover the most promising new concepts, initiatives and projects on urban transport? Participate in NICHES final conference in Toulouse (France), on 16 March 2007.
The event is the last of a series of conferences and seminars organised in the framework of the NICHES project (New and Innovative Concepts for Helping European transport Sustainability). It will highlight NICHES final results and conclusions in four different areas: new seamless mobility services, innovative approaches in city logistics, new non-polluting and energy-efficient vehicles, innovative demand management strategies.
Experts and local representatives from European cities will present the strategies, policies and technologies developed to make urban transport more efficient, competitive and sustainable. Toulouse for instance will present its 'rent-a-bike" scheme. Barcelona will describe how it optimises space for urban delivery, while Dublin will explain how it has developed its inner city night delivery.

Local and regional authorities who have introduced innovative and daring measures to improve urban transport will also be rewarded with the European OSMOSE Awards (Open Source for MObile and Sustainable city).

NICHES final conference will gather some 300 participants involved in local transport. They will have the opportunity to visit the "Agora" exhibition, where NICHES innovative concepts will be illustrated. Speakers at the conference should include local elected representatives, the European Commission, as well as transport experts.
Background information

NICHES is a EU funded project. It aims at stimulating a wide debate on innovative urban transport and mobility, and to promote the most promising new concepts, initiatives and projects. It was launched in November 2004 for a two year period.

NICHES final conference is organised by POLIS (the network of European municipalities promoting better public transport), together with the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR), Eurocities, Rupprecht Consult, PTV (Traffic mobility logistics), the Warsaw University of Technology, the cities of Stockholm and of Toulouse.
Practical information

Dates: 16 March 2007
On-line registration (deadline: 1st March)

The programme
Language facilities: English, French
Centre de Congres Pierre Baudis
11, Esplanade Compans Caffarelli
BP 889 – 31685 Toulouse Cedex 6
