Circular Cities and Regions Initiative
Circular Cities and Regions Initiative
The Circular Cities and Regions Initiative (CCRI) is an initiative funded by DG RTD, focusing on the implementation of circular economy across Europe’s cities and regions, and to increase collaboration and knowledge-sharing amongst these organisations.
With the help and strength of knowledge and networks partners, the CCRI objectives are to build capacity and drive economic growth in local and regional governments, through tailored support for selected territories, being Pilots and Fellows. While the Pilots are already advanced in the implementation of circular economy and are receiving support to develop their Circular Systemic Solutions, the Fellows are at different levels of implementation and willing to learn with peer-learning workshops and activities.
In parallel, the CCRI also aims to increase synergies among EU projects, to disseminate knowledge from these various initiatives, and give visibility to the best practices highlighted by European local and regional governments.
In this initiative, CEMR’s role was to select the group of Pilots and Fellows receiving support from the consortium. This task took place in several steps, from the definition and fine-tuning of the methodology and criteria to recruit the cities, regions and territorial clusters involved, but also launching the call of interests, assessing the applications, and drafting the final list of recruited territories.
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Project Lead
Climate, Energy & Urban Development
Project Officer
Climate & Energy
GURI Durmish
Projects & Programmes