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ECOPROFIT conference : promoting sustainable economic development (Graz, 9-11 March 2005)

The city of Graz (Austria) and ICLEI will organise the first ECOPROFIT® conference, in Graz, from 9 to 11 March 2005.
ECOPROFIT®, (Ecological Project For Integrated Environmental Technology) is a programme that aims at promoting cooperation between local government and the private sector with the view to achieve sustainable economic development. It was established by the City of Graz in 1991.
The Graz conference's main aim is to introduce the ECOPROFIT® concept to European municipalities.
Speakers to the conference will include the mayor of Graz, Siegfried Nagl; ICLEI executive directo, Wolfgang Teuber, and representatives from the Austrian Environment ministry, the European Commission, russian, German, Chinese, South African municipalities as well as private companies.
