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The NICHES’ newsletter on sustainable transport is now available

In the October 2006 NICHES' newsletter you will find recommendations of transport experts on mobility trends and vision, information on NICHES next seminar Today's Urban Transport at Tomorrow's Crossroad, which will take place in Brussels on 12 December 2006.
The newsletter also introduces the OSMOSE Awards aiming at rewarding local authorities who have introduced innovative and daring measures to meet the challenges faced in the urban transport field. Applications must be submitted before 15 October 2006.

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The NICHES' newsletter

NICHES (New and Innovative Concepts for Helping European transport Sustainability) aims at promoting new and innovative concepts, initiatives and projects related to urban transport and mobility, in order to make them known to a wide audience.
NICHES is a supported by the European Commission's DG Research, it was launched in November 2004. CEMR is a partner, with POLIS (the network of municipalities for innovative and sustainable transport) being the leading partner.
