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Council of Europe to hold symposium on e-democracy (23-24 April 2007)

The Council of Europe is organising a symposium on e-democracy and the new opportunities for enhancing civic participation, in Strasbourg on 23 and 24 April 2007.
The symposium will discuss the nature and added value of e-democracy, based on lessons learnt from e-democracy experiences in Council of Europe member states, and identify areas for future research.
First-rate speakers from public authorities, academia, media, NGOs, political parties and international organisations will share their experiences in state-of-the-art e-democracy applications.
Topics to be debated in plenary and in thematic sessions include government-to-citizen-to-government and citizen-to-citizen communication, e-campaigning and how to measure the impact of e-democracy.
The symposium will be open to the general public on personal invitation after advance registration. There is no participation fee.
Further information, the programme and registration forms can be downloaded on the website of the Council of Europe.
Practical information
Dates : 23-24 April 2007
Venue: Strasbourg, Paris, Palais de l'Europe, Room 9
Online registration: till Thursday 12 April 2007
