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Welsh, Polish and German towns celebrate successful twinning link

To get to know three different cultures in one day: this was the main aim of the twinning celebration organised on 20 September 2008 between citizens, associations and local elected representatives from three towns in Wales, Poland and Germany.
The event was held in Wrexham's Queens square, the main shopping area of the county. It was an opportunity to celebrate the twinning link between Wrexham in Wales and two other European towns: Märkischer Kreis in Germany and Racibórz in Poland. Many activities were organised throughout the day including concerts, exhibitions, art, craft and local food booths. Around 1000 people from the three towns participated in the event.
This is the first year such an event has been organised says organiser Stefanie Poulton from Europe Direct. It was a great opportunity to raise awareness of twinning and of Wrexham as a diverse and interesting place to live in Europe.
Local businesses, organisations and charities that are involved in the twinning or reflect either Welsh, Polish or German culture were invited to come and hold a stand to showcase their activities. The event was compered by a local radio station 'Calon FM' which attracted a lot of interest from the passing public.
