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Clean air for all (16-22/09/2008)

Hundreds of European towns and cities are going to participate in the European mobility week from 16 to 22 September 2008. Local governments will invite their citizens to take part in activities dedicated to the promotion of sustainable mobility.
This year's theme will be Clean air for all; its aim is to improve the air quality by taking actions against unsustainable transport. Europe's towns and cities are encouraged to organise activities to show the link between mobility and air quality, and to launch permanent measures that will help to cut harmful emissions from the transport sector.
Participating cities include Zagreb (Croatia) that is organizing a "traffic and ecological education day"; the London Borough of Islington that will turn one of its busiest streets into a pedestrian street for one day, and Reykjavik (Iceland) that will hold a fair around the themes of sustainable transport and clean air.
