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CEMR general assembly in Cádiz: a glimpse of what you can expect

More interactive, dynamic and innovative, CEMR general assembly will take place in Cádiz (Spain), on 26, 27 and 28 September 2012, under the motto of innovating in 3D: Decentralisation – Development – Democracy.
The innovating in 3D approach will be broken down into specific themes of primary interest for towns, provinces and regions, e.g. Governing in Partnership to build a sustainable future for Europe; migration and how we can innovate for better inclusion; decentralisation as an on-going process across the continent and in the world; our action for enhancing active and participatory citizenship.
In the particular context of Cádiz and its geographic location, a special session will be dedicated to the various transitions in the Mediterranean region, and the specific decentralized links between Europe and Latin America, and how very intertwined the 3Ds are in such contexts.

Small and dynamic interactive round-tables will allow for elected representatives and experts to exchange together directly on best practices in a number of specific fields – i.e. on reshaping public services to tackle challenges related to the environment, climate, energy, transport, territorial planning and financing.

Sustainability and innovation will take centre-stage in both thematic and practical terms. New electronic methods will provide for informative and interactive exchange, including with the speakers and panels, so as to bring a new dynamic to the debates. Online tools will provide updated information and news on the various outcomes throughout the Congress events.
The 25th General Assembly of CEMR are hosted by the City of Cádiz, in cooperation with CEMR's Spanish member association, the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP).
