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Weekly focus: Modernising Belgian local authorities through use of IT tools

A software-based project called CommunesPlone provides Belgian cities and municipalities with a number of IT tools so as to help them become more modern and autonomous in terms of information and communication technology.
The project, coordinated by the Union of Cities and Municipalities of Wallonia, is based on a collaborative approach and allows for small municipalities as well as large cities to use tools adapted to their needs. These tools include an online counter service and a municipal website model. The software also allows for local elected representatives and municipal staff to consult and manage municipal council decisions.
Municipalities can access the tools via internet, without having to undertake any technical operations within their own administrations.
In 2010, 120 municipalities participated in CommunesPlone. There also exists, since 2007, an international version called PloneGov, which has thus far brought together local authorities from France, Spain, Italy and Switzerland.
Belgian local authorities and CEMR
The Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) has one Belgian member association, the Union of Belgian Cities and Municipalities (UVCB), which comprises, since 1994, three regional associations: the Vereniging van Vlaamse Steden en Gemeenten (VVSG), the Union of Cities and Municipalities of Wallonia (UVCW) and the Association of Cities and Municipalities of the Region of Brussels-Capital (AVCB).
The three regional associations defend the interests of their respective local authorities and notably promote local autonomy, because 'municipalities, as proximity authorities, are linked to the lives of citizens like no other," explains Jacques Gobert, President of UVCB and Mayor of La Louvière. 'The mayor is often the first to be consulted by citizens and thus commits to the everyday promotion of territorial development and social cohesion for the good of all and in the hopes of upholding the principle of democracy."
The Flemish association, VVSG, also provides legal advice to municipalities and aims at strengthening the quality and sustainability of local policy. Presided over by Luc Martens, Mayor of Roeselare, it represents the 308 cities and municipalities of Flanders.
The Union of Cities and Municipalities of Wallonia, presided over by Jacques Gobert, is often consulted by politicians and participates in legislative debates so as to ensure that local and regional interest are taken into account. The UVCW brings together the 262 cities and municipalities of Wallonia.
The Association of Cities and Municipalities of the Region of Brussels-Capital helps municipalities improve their general functioning, and notably their finances, staff management and task management. The association is comprised of 19 municipalities and is presided by Marc Cools, Deputy Burgomaster of Uccle.
Local and regional government in Belgium
Belgium is a federal state composed of 589 municipalities, ten provinces, three regions (Brussels, Flanders and Wallonia) and three communities (Flemish, French and German).
