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Seminar on demographic change: challenge and opportunity for local and regional government

How can municipalities, towns and regions face challenges from demographic change? How to adapt public services accordingly? These will be the main questions raised at the seminar organised by the French Association of the.Council of European Municipalities and Regions (AFCCRE) together with CEMR, on 11 December 2008, in Lille.
The first session will address the question of how are social and health care services adapting to demographic change. This session will aim to explore the implications of an ageing population for local/regional public services, in particular social and health care services, in terms of changing demands, financial and human resources constraints, etc. CEMR members will present good practice examples of initiatives aimed to cope with these challenges and to make services more responsive to the needs of an ageing population.
The second session will focus on the implications in terms of urban planning, opportunities of territorial development? This session will look at the territorial dimension of demographic change by presenting regional and local strategies in this field. Demographic trends and the ageing of the population have to be taken into account when designing and implementing initiatives on economic growth, transport, social cohesion, regeneration, etc. at regional and local level.
Speakers at the seminar will include representatives from local and regional government, from the European Commission, as well as experts.
The seminar will be conducted in English and French.
