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CEMR-EPSU “Future of the Workplace” project: workshops conclusions

The Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) and the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) have won the leadership of an EU project on “The future of the workplace: providing quality jobs, modern and sustainable workplaces in local and regional government”.
The project, which began in January 2012, aims at contributing to the creation and maintenance of quality public services via a sustainable workforce. Its main objective will be to further explore future workplace needs, while developing the social dialogue between trade unions and trade employers' organisations in the local and regional government sector at both national and EU levels.

Six workshops were held throughout 2012. The summaries and the conclusions of the discussions are available here:

1. Funding of Local and Regional Government:
    EN / FR / DE / ES / CZ

2. Recruitment and Retention:
    EN / FR / DE / ES / CZ

3. Lifelong learning, Training and Skills development:
    EN / FR / DE / ES / CZ

4. Equality, diversity and non-discrimination:
    EN / FR / DE / ES / CZ

5. Migration and mobility within local and regional government:
    EN / FR / DE / ES / CZ

6. Well-being and Sustainable workplaces:
    EN / FR / DE / ES / CZ

7. Framework of action for local and regional government
    EN / FR / DE

The summaries and the conclusions of the discussions are also available on the EPSU website.
