1 UCLG executive bureau meeting (Sao Paulo, 6-8 Oct)
United Cities and Local Government's (UCLG) executive bureau met for the first time on 6, 7 and 8 October 2004. The meeting took place in Sao Paulo (Brasil).
The executive bureau approved guidelines for the 2004-2007 action plan and agreed to establish political committees within the organisation. The main point of the work programme include :
Broader recognition of local government within the UN system
Launch a "Millenium towns and cities" campaign to promote development
Support dialogue for peace in the world
Launch an information gateway on decentralisation throughout the world.
President of Brasil, Luis Inacio Lula da Silva met UCLG executive bureau members, including mayor of Paris Bertrand Delanoë.
Note : UCLG's founding congress took place in Paris in May 2004. The new world organisation is the result of the merging of the three previous world organisations : IULA, FMCU and METROPOLIS.
Climate, Sustainable Finance Officer