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1 UCLG executive bureau meeting (Sao Paulo, 6-8 Oct)

United Cities and Local Government's (UCLG) executive bureau met for the first time on 6, 7 and 8 October 2004. The meeting took place in Sao Paulo (Brasil).
The executive bureau approved guidelines for the 2004-2007 action plan and agreed to establish political committees within the organisation. The main point of the work programme include :
  • Broader recognition of local government within the UN system
  • Launch a "Millenium towns and cities" campaign to promote development
  • Support dialogue for peace in the world
  • Launch an information gateway on decentralisation throughout the world.
President of Brasil, Luis Inacio Lula da Silva met UCLG executive bureau members, including mayor of Paris Bertrand Delanoë.
Note : UCLG's founding congress took place in Paris in May 2004. The new world organisation is the result of the merging of the three previous world organisations : IULA, FMCU and METROPOLIS.
