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Become the designer of UCLG’s 10th anniversary’s poster!To commemorate its anniversary, our global organisation (UCLG) launches an open competition to design a poster illustrating this very special event. In order to be awarded the best poster, your creation should respect several criteria:
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  • include the slogan “100 years of action, 10 years of unity”;
  • symbolise the decisive steps made by local and regional government in an increasingly urban world;
  • represent UCLG’s two key events, its 10th anniversary and the centenary of the International Municipal Movement, in one image.

rnThe winner will see his/her poster displayed by UCLG until the end of 2014 and earn 1000€.
rnThis worldwide competition is open to everyone over the age of 18, until 15 May. So get your pencils and submit your poster to UCLG!

rnUseful link: competition basis